Pachangara is a 239 people community -of whom 127 are women- located in Oyón province, Lima, Perú. They live from agriculture and livestock, and survive on basic resources.
In this project, Peruvian photographer Rochi León the stories of women in the community: weavers, farmers, healers, women who raise animals, who take care of their grandchildren and more, all in order to contribute to household expenses and give their children better opportunities.
“Women in the community are hardworking and strong, always concerned about generating an income through the work they develop, searching each day for their own economic independency, even when the income they are making is not that bountiful,” explains Rochi.
“Many prefer pants so they can work better and more comfortable, and therefore generate higher productivity in their duties. Others say that when they ask for money to their husbands and they tell them: 'No', it hurts, and so it's best to avoid going through this hard time by making their own money.”
The photographer reminds that “rural women face particular challenges” but that in spite of these difficulties “they are trying to take a place inside their community and seek for equal participation and opportunities in a country where machismo overflows.”
(Español abajo)
Pachangara es una comunidad de 239 personas -de las cuales 127 son mujeres- que se encuentra ubicada en la provincia de Oyón, Lima, Perú.
En este proyecto, la fotógrafa peruana Rochi León cuenta las historias de mujeres de la comunidad: tejedoras, agricultoras, curanderas, que crían animales, se encargan de sus nietos… todo para contribuir a los gastos del hogar y darles mejores oportunidades a sus hijos.
“Las mujeres de la comunidad son trabajadoras y fuertes, preocupadas en generar ingresos a través de los oficios a los que se dedican, buscándose así su propia independencia económica, aunque los ingresos no sean tan generosos”, explica Rochi.
La fotógrafa recuerda que “estas mujeres tratan día a día de hacerse un lugar dentro de su comunidad y buscan igualdad de participación y de oportunidades dentro de un país donde el machismo desborda.”